How does Advanced Electrolysis Treatment work?

The tip of the finest probe (about the size of an eyelash) is introduced along the line of the capillary and a tiny energy current is discharged. This 'dries up' and destroys the vessels which often disappear as it is being treated. Further treatments may be necessary depending on the severity of the problem.

In case of skin tags the current destroys the vessels, 'feeding' the blemish and 'starving' it of nourishment resulting in its eventual demise.

How does it differ from traditional laser technology?

All laser technology previously available emits laser light using a pulse method. This process can be painful, time consuming and may not work on all skin and hair types.

By contrast the advanced diode laser technology uses low fluence, high average power and repetition rate so the application of light is constant. This allows for the 'in-motion' technology to be quick and efficient as it is delivered in a sweeping paintbrush motion over the skin as opposed to the pain-staking and time consuming pulse method.

Furthermore, the superior cooling head that is used means there is only a warming sensation during the procedure as opposed to pain and discomfort from traditional laser technology. Treatment does not need to be started and stopped because of discomfort and there have been no known adverse side effects.

Will the blemishes return?

The treated blemish will not return but others may occur depending on the root cause. Your skin specialist will advise you during your consultation.

How much does Advanced Electrolysis treatment

You pay for the length of time you are treated, with a minimum of 15 minutes.The skin specialist will be happy to offer you a price estimate during the consultation.


Can moles be treated by Advance Electrolysis?

Yes, hair from moles and moles themselves can be treated with Advanced Electrolysis. Once treatment has started the moles may reduce in size and colour. Hairs in moles are generally deep terminal hair with a very rich blood supply. Repeat treatments, as with electrical epilation, are required.

Ask your skin specialist for advice about electrolysis for many other skin conditions such as: sebaceous cysts, xanthelasma, Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra and other blemishes